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 Intelligent factory information L-MES solution

Manufacturing execution management system is the link of enterprise CIMS information integration. It is also an advanced technology to implement enterprise agile manufacturing strategy and realize workshop production agility.
1, the existing problems (difficulties facing the manufacturing sector)
Chinese manufacturing enterprises are facing increasingly fierce competition at home and abroad, production costs continue to rise, more and more low profit margins, users of the products have become increasingly demanding, how to improve the core competitiveness of enterprises is imminent, a very important point, is to drive industrialization with informatization, accelerate the process of informatization, take a new road to industrialization, to achieve leap forward development of the productivity of the whole society. Taking a broad view of the application of manufacturing information system in our country, the construction focuses on two aspects: ERP management system and field automation system (Shop, Floor, Control, System, SFC). However, due to product marketing in this twenty years, from the production oriented quickly evolved into market orientation, competition orientation, challenges management and organization and also on the manufacturing floor, just rely on the ERP and the automation system are often unable to cope with the new situation. Factory manufacturing execution systems (Manufacturing, Execution, System, MES) just fill this gap.


2.provide solutions
MES positioning is between the planning layer and the field automation system. It is mainly responsible for workshop production management and scheduling execution. A well designed MES system can be integrated such as production scheduling, product tracking, quality control, fault analysis, network report and other management functions in a unified platform, unified database and the network connection can also for the production department, quality inspection department, technology department, logistics department to provide workshop management information service. By emphasizing the whole optimization of the manufacturing process, the system helps the enterprise to implement the complete closed-loop production, and helps enterprises to establish an integrated and real-time ERP/MES/SFC information system.

MES can provide users with a quick response, flexible and fine manufacturing environment to help enterprises reduce costs, deliver goods on time, improve product quality and improve service quality.
It is suitable for different industries (electronics, semiconductor, automotive, injection molding, stamping, IT communications, medicine, food, furniture, clothing and other production enterprises), to a single large quantities and there are many varieties of small batch production and mass production hybrid manufacturing enterprises to improve enterprise information management for good.
Returning the information "fault" between the enterprise planning layer and the process control layer, the traditional production process adopted by our manufacturing industry for many years is characterized by "up and down" according to plan. To put it simply, from the planning level to the production control level: the enterprise makes the production plan according to the order or the market situation - the production plan arrives at the production site - organizes the production - the product delivery.
At present, the application of MES system has become a common phenomenon in many well-known foreign enterprises, and many domestic enterprises have gradually begun to adopt this technology to enhance their core competitiveness.


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