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Intelligent logistics warehousing solutions
1.the existing problems (difficulties facing the manufacturing sector)
Low productivity, no enthusiasm for employee work?
Customer orders can not be delivered on time?
The purchasing material is confused and the packing is bad
More and more orders, and more and more urgent orders
Factory production site confusion, semi-finished products piled up?
2.,provide solutions
The warehouse, workshop planning, warehouse and workshop space, plane layout and location area, container logistics and production line line equipment arrangement etc.;
Investment and scheme comparison: container quantity integration, logistics equipment co-ordination and investment cost portfolio model integration.
Logistics management program: logistics strategy, logistics management, organizational structure and human resources allocation, logistics management processes, logistics container management methods;


3. the main results form
Logistics routing optimization;
The warehouse area is reduced;
Warehouse, account card, material conformity;
Reduce warehouse staffing.
Reduce material loss in warehouse;

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